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Amberton University

You may access the CampusWEB System by entering your Login ID and Personal Identification Number (PIN). When finished, click the Login button.

If you have forgotten your PIN, then enter your Login Id and click the Show Hint button.

Login ID

If you have forgotten your PIN, click the following button and it will be emailed to you:

Click here if you forgot your user ID.


Login ID - this is the same as your current Student Portal and email username (Example John Smith, 123-45-6789; Login ID - JSmith789) PIN - The system is case sensitive and the first 2 characters of the temporary PIN are capitalized. If this is your first time to access this portal, your temporary PIN is the following: First initial of first name + first 4 letters of last name + * (an asterisk) + last 3 of SSN (Example: Adam Smith, 123-45-0678; PIN ASmit*678) The system will require you to change the PIN when you first access the CampusWeb Portal. Keep this PIN secure and do not share it with anyone. If your account becomes compromised, please change your PIN and contact the University. If you do not remember your PIN, click the "Email PIN" button and it will be emailed to your my.Amberton.edu email account. If you have any questions, please email Student Services at Advisor@Amberton.edu


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